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Published Oct 31, 2015 12:45 PM | Updated; Nov 10, 2020 7:59 AM by GP7A Attorneys "Directory" Location | Marcus Giavanni The Most Powerful Non-Attorney Spokesperson | #gp7aattorneysdirectory "Identified" | #probono "Attorneys" Needed Verified | Pro Bono Family "Law Practice" | About | GP7A Attorneys Directory Home" Location | #MarcusGiavanni The "Most Powerful Non-Attorney Spokesperson" Verified | "Pro Bono" Attorneys Needed "Business Inventions Ideas" | Pro Bono "Entertainment Law" Verified | "Welcome" to GP7A Attorneys Directory | "We Are Adding a Managing Partner Law Firm" Coming Soon | GP7A Attorneys "Since 2007" Under GP7A Brand | The "Future of Digital Law" Indexing and Recall | Credibility Relevance Wisdom "Scrubbing for the Truth Everyone Everything Everywhere" Identifiers | "Artificial Intelligence" Will Balance "Us All" Whether We Like It or Not on The "World Wide Web" | Good News | Don't Own "Any Device" That is Digital For a Stress Free "Most" Secured "Lives"
Please excuse our house. "We have just launched our live, and ever growing GP7A Attorneys Directory. We launched October 31, 2015. Built by "SMO Worldwide". We believe in shaping our conversation from its beginning, making changes, corrections, and of course finding a Managing Law Firm. (Vetting Process)"."
We are a free service (We Do Not Give Legal Advice). However, we have general council of retired Attorneys that help us find the right law firm or attorney to handle your case.
GP7A Attorneys Directory is our go to guy, for all administration, and works directly with the Managing Attorney Law Firm. And our General Council, who is nonpartisan, and is separate from, the Managing Attorney Law Firm administrating the GP7A Attorneys Directory, and legal services. We are currently only taking on Attorney clients.
We are not a law firm. Marcus Giavanni is the Most Powerful Non-Attorney Spokesperson for GP7A Attorneys Directory. Marcus Giavanni gives his personal time (Free), to speak to fathers, mothers, and family members concerned about the children’s' wellbeing. Marcus does not give legal advice, but as an intake professional. With a quick 30 minute free consultation. We will find an attorney that is compatible, and worthy of your legal needs. And remember always call your local Bar association for referrals in your state. And Never, Ever, be combatant, especially in the Courtroom. The Judge will end your chances of anything you want! - MG
What's Our Vision?
Our goal is to provide both, short and long-term legal help. We find you an attorney that fits your leagal needs, and your compatibility with your chosen attorney. Nothing is worse than hating your attorney, or Just plan don't get along.
Why Choose Us?
We always tend to offer an individual approach to every client. Since we cannot give leag advice. (So, Don't Ask). Getting you the right legal advice in every single case, so that your specific legal goals can be achieved in the most efficient manner.
Why Not Do It Yourself?
They say when you represent yourself in court. You have a Fool for a client. When it comes to fundamental Legal decisions, calling for professional advice will help you save your time and money, make wise steps to your and your company's Legal stability.
"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst." - Aristotle
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