Who Has Absolute Authority Over The Internet
Published Apr 14, 2020 12:30 PM by Who Has "Author" | #Absoluteauthority | "Authority Knowledge" | #absolutepower | Over "The Internet" | About | Who Has "Absolute Authority" Over The "Internet" | Credibility Relevance Wisdom | Authority Ownership Of Conversations
“Who, Has Absolute Authority; Has Absolute; has Authority over the Internet? Who Has Absolute Authority Over The Internet, United States Government? President Donald J. Trump Says President has Absolute Power Authority Over States. Who Has, Absolute Authority, Over The Internet and USA”.” #absoluteauthority, #vitruvianman, #internet,
United States: Who Has Absolute Authority Over The Internet
United States: Who Has Absolute Authority Over The Internet? Well on Google Platforms. Google has "Absoult Authority" Over Google's Browser, Google Search, and All Google Products, and Services. Google has absoulte autority over Google's Term and Conditions. If you don't agree to google Terms and Conditions. Don't bother sueing Google and tell the courts you want ot control google's Platforms. Because Google Is a Monopoly According to Tucker Carlson the host of the Tucker Carlson Tonigh Show on Fox News Channel.