Attorney Metahuman Development

Marcus Giavanni Developer - United States 

By: Steve Oh  PUBLISHED: Jun 28, 2006, 6:23 AM | UPDATED: Jun 29, 2021, 2:30 PM | UPDATE: Jan 1, 2025, 8:43 AM:

"Attorney Metahuman Development is not easy, and it takes Marcus Giavanni, a Developer located in the United States. Marcus Giavanni is the new leading voice in AI and GenAI development. And Building LLM that includes the new Digital DNA, Voice Latent Prints, GPS, and Cell Tower Pings. The future for the entire Judicial System is about to go Metaverse by Durango Dank".""

PUBLISHED: Jun 28, 2006, 6:23 AM | UPDATED: Jun 29, 2021, 2:30 PM | UPDATE: Jan 1, 2025, 8:43 AM by  ‎/Metahuman Attorneys/ "Attorney Observer Indexer" Marcus Giavanni "Metahuman Developer" Verified "Google Cloud" | About |  ‎ Attorney Metahuman Development Marcus Giavanni Developer Verified Poster Art by "Marcus Giavanni Verified" Google "Photos" | #city of Denver And #cityofdenver and #cityandcountyofdenver Hashtag Identifiers Verified | What is a Copyright Troll by Marcus Giavanni Verified Counterclaims Verified Law Firm | Why Metahuman Development by Marcus Giavanni Verified Digital Existence Google | About | Deepak Chopra Metahuman Marcus Giavanni 

""Gonna Go To the Super Bowl was 1 out of 3 videos Marcus Giavanni Produced and Co-directed with an amazing director, Nathan. and owner of Global Filmz in Miami, Florida. This was the first video that told the story of two people who dreamed of escaping with each other, and they went to the Super Bowl, but it was not open at the end of their journey. They awake sitting,  drinking, and watching the 54th Super Bowl LIV in Miami, Florida. Here are the other two music videos, Caviar and Bad Boi Bad Gurl"."" 

During the shooting of this Super Bowl video, the driver of the car obviously predicted the mask's wearing. Who is it, "Marcus Giavanni"? The "Super Bowl" Video, "Gonna Go To the Super Bowl, was filmed in "Miami, Florida, in 2019 filming. And Giavanni flew from Denver, Colorado, to Miami, Florida. By the way, Marcus Giavanni’s daughter was born in Miami. 

Global National: Jan. 26, 2020 | Kobe Bryant's life ... - YouTube | › watch

Eric Sorensen reports on the death of former Lakers player and basketball legend Kobe Bryant, who was ...Jan 26, 2020, · Uploaded by Global News.

Nevertheless, it was a fun time when Marcus Flew back home. November 18, 2019, going through Miami International Airport, #mia. Passed by 3 people, two wearing a mask and another who seemed to be coughing and sneezing, to which Giavanni happened to walk right into this man’s spray. (If I tell you who these people are, some in Denver called Giavanni a racist because he mentioned the race of these 3 fine folks). (We need to tell our children what Racism is and what describing a person's race is for visual clarification to the characters in any conversations. 

Digressing, 10 days later, Giavanni was starting to get sick, and the 14 days were just a few weeks from Christmas. Marcus Giavanni came down with full-blown C-19. Most people don’t know that Marcus Giavanni is a medium and spiritual advisor. And at the time, he had a vision that wearing a mask would be significant in the future. Believe it or not. 

The Gonna Go to the Super Bowl was released on February 27, 2020, the day after Kobe Bryant and his young daughter Gianna tragically died on January 26, 2020. The Independent Label MB Holdings Artists Music Label. Frantically, we tried to call to cancel the press release scheduled to be released on February 27, 2021. But nobody answered the 24/7 hotline or email until later in the Morning. Then it was too late.   

 – Steve Oh